吳梓寧,《疤痕THE SCAR》,互動藝術,2013。

這件作品的文字,引自樂團”The Band”的創作歌曲:“It Makes No Difference”中的二句歌詞「無論我走了多遠都沒有差別,這痛苦就像疤痕般總是顯露」。而背景所使用的粉紅倒三角圖形,則是引自德國納粹在集中營裡,用來標示並污名同性戀者的標誌。創作緣起是作者對近期在台灣社會所引發不少討論的,性別平權婚姻立法議題的關注。更重要的影響是,反對此項人權立法的「台灣守護家庭聯盟」和「下一代幸福聯盟」於2013/11/30遊行中,透過對支持婚姻平權者的圍堵來限制人身自由等侵害人權的不當舉措,造成對LGBTQ族群的許多傷害,因此引發了作者進行本作品以及《虹言》二件系列創作的動機。

“It makes no difference how far I go. Like a scar the hurt will always show”. The texts of this piece is quoted from lyrics of “It Makes No Difference”, the song of “The Band”. The pink inverted triangle graphic used in the background, which refers to an infamous Nazi concentration camp badge to denote homosexual men. This work is triggered by the recently discussion on gender and marriage equality legislation in Taiwan. Furthermore, on the day 30th Nov. 2013, the Anti-marriage equality protest held by many of Christian’s groups in the name of “Taiwan Family Protectors” and “The happiness for next generation”, they illegally restrict personal freedom by blocking and besieging the supporters of LGBTQ marriage equality. This major event has causing lots of pain and hurts to the LGBTQ communities in Taiwan, thus also triggering the artist to make this work and another work “Rainbow Says” as a series creation.