吳梓寧,《GFP 自耕套件使用說明 GFP Self-cultivating Instructions》,2016。

吳梓寧,錄像,1920*1080 像素,彩色,無聲,1 分32 秒,2016。(攝影:曾也慎、女模:巫亮萱、男模:李品辰)
Tzu-Ning Wu, Video, 1920*1080 Pixels, Colour, No Sound, 1’32”, 2016.(Photographer: Yeh-Shen Tseng, Models: Liang-Suen Wu and Pin-Chen Lee)


在「GFP 自耕套件使用說明」的模擬影片中,模特兒示範從肚臍接合客製化的奈米胎盤,透過輸液管與食物造形的人造子宮相連,以幹細胞培養出所需的食材。然而,從「子宮」誕生的食物,是否也應該被視為人類的後代呢?透過幹細胞培養的肉品,算是葷食還是素食?後人類農場產出的商品,隱含著「人吃人」甚至是「吃後代」的爭議,此科幻擬造的情境之下,企圖引發觀眾關注發展中的科技與背後可能出現的科技倫理問題。


In the GFP Self-Cultivating Instructions , the performer connects the two parts with plastic tube and uses stem cells to cultivate the food he/she needs. However, should the food that comes from the “womb” be considered as progeny of human? Is the meat made from stem cells flesh or vegetable? The products from the posthuman
farm imply the controversy of cannibalism. Using the fictional setting, the artist wants her audience to be aware of the progressing science and technology, and the possible ethical problems hidden behind them.