吳梓寧,《GFP 自耕農實驗室 GFP Lab》,2016。

吳梓寧,錄像投影,1920*1080 像素,彩色,有聲,3 分21 秒,投影尺寸依場地而定,2016。
Tzu-Ning Wu, Video Projection, 1920*1080 Pixels, Colour, Sound, 3’21”, Dimensions Variable, 2016.


「GFP 自耕農」(Good Food Provider,簡稱GFP)的「人體自耕」實驗室,刻意選擇GFP 作為雙關語,是採取「綠色螢光蛋白」(Green fluorescent protein)的縮寫,指涉基因改造實驗使用螢光蛋白與基改細胞結合,方便觀測基改細胞於生物內活動的技術。同時是「好的食物提供者」(Good Food Provider)的縮寫,作為「GFP 自耕農」的計畫名稱。《GFP 自耕農實驗室》以錄像投影,模擬實驗室萃取各種蔬菜水果的基因進行實驗的情境,營造「偽科學」的科幻美學同時,在真實科技與虛擬場面之間,創造曖昧性的想像空間,透過迷幻的螢光色彩氛圍,呈現未來科技令人目眩神迷的魅力。


“Human Body Self-cultivating” Laboratory of the GFP (Good Food Provider) deliberately chooses GFP as paronomasia: it is an abbreviation for “green fluorescent protein” to remind viewers of the genetic technology that is being used as a reporter of cellular expression; it also means “Good Food Provider” as the title of this programme. The GFP Lab uses video projection to simulate situations when various kinds of vegetables and fruits are genetically tested. Not only does it provide the fictional aesthetics of “pseudoscience”, between the real technology and simulated situations, it also creates an ambiguous imaginative space, and through the
fluorescent aura, it exhibits the dazzling glamour of future science.