吳梓寧,《GFP 後人類農場 GFP Posthuman Farm》,生物藝術,2016。


《GFP 後人類農場》想像環境遭受高度汙染的未來世界,當水、空氣與土壤都已無法種植生產無毒農作物與畜牧肉品,唯有經過實驗室純化與合成的人造食物才安全無虞。作者擬造了一家未來的跨國生物科技食品公司,名為「GFP」(Good Food Provider),該公司利用「基因改造」與「人體農場」生產技術,在人體身上創造自給自足的食物供應與消費迴圈。除了探討未來的糧食生產、食品安全問題之外,關於人類滿足口腹之慾背後涉及對其他物種造成的剝削與道德難題,在《GFP 後人類農場》的科幻想像下,提出可能的解決方案卻也提出新的思考問題。

* GFP同時也是「綠色螢光蛋白」(Green fluorescent protein)的縮寫,在細胞生物學與分子生物學領域中經常被用來轉殖到其他生物身上,利用其螢光特性進行各種實驗觀測。

“Human Body Self­-cultivating” Laboratory of the GFP (Good Food Provider) deliberately chooses GFP as paronomasia: it is an abbreviation for “green fluorescent protein” to remind viewers of the genetic technology that is being used as a reporter of cellular expression; it also means “Good Food Provider” as the title of this programme. The GFP Lab uses video projection to simulate situations when various kinds of vegetables and fruits are genetically tested. Not only does it provide the fictional aesthetics of “pseudoscience”, between the real technology and simulated situations, it also creates an ambiguous imaginative space, and through the fluorescent aura, it exhibits the dazzling glamour of future science.

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