吳梓寧,《魅塌域 Metaverse 1.0》末日物件工作坊,臺南新藝-絕對空間場,2018.03.31。

Tzu-Ning Wu, Metaverse, 3D animation, 3D scanning, 3D printing, VR Interactive APP, 2018.


末日在不同意義層面已經被宣告過太多次,黑格爾的歷史終結論、尼采宣告上帝已死以及最後之人的存在景況、傅柯宣告人類主體之死、法蘭西斯.福山從生物科技角度宣告我們已進入歷史終結與最後之人之後的「後人類未來」,眾多的末日宣告已成為新世界與新主體的誕生起點。 《魅塌域》從考現學與文資保存的研究向度,模擬末日降臨後的新世界、新主體,將如何進行世界重建與重生。Google已取得下載死者或個性化(人格化)資料到人工智慧機器的專利後,布希亞宣告的超真實(Hyper Reality)世界,從擬像與擬仿物組構的新現實,很可能是人類末日之後透過智慧機器重建世界並幫助人類重生的途徑。

魅塌域(Metaverse)一詞是由metauniverse所組成,最早在1992年尼爾.史蒂芬森的科幻小說《雪崩》中,用來描述網際網路世界的後繼者,一個基於虛擬實境空間卻又與現實交融的「元資訊」世界,類似今日所謂的XRVR, AR, MR)世界。今日的虛擬實境、擴增實境、混合實境,創造出「魅塌域」(Metaverse)的世界觀,技術發展已逐步從虛擬遊戲層面轉化為創造新現實的方向演進。本創作計畫《魅塌域》可視為一艘虛擬方舟,透過工作坊帶領學員從考現學與文資保存角度探討在現今人類社會中,或者從個人角度出發來思考,有哪些值得帶上這艘方舟予以保存的人、事、物,又可能以什麼樣的形式樣態轉化為「魅塌域」中的擬像或擬仿物,讓末日之後的重建得以重新提取並再現人類文化,抑或末日之後直接以電子形式存在於魅塌域的世界存活,如同鬼魅遊走於宇宙塌陷的黑洞與終極末日來臨前的科幻想像。

The term “Metaverse” combined with “meta” and “universe” was coined in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash. Metaverse is a metaphor of a virtual reality-based successor to the Internet, a virtual shared space that converges with actual reality, so-called the XR (VR, AR, MR) world.

The‭ ‬Metaverse‭ ‬project is about today’s virtual reality‭, ‬augmented reality and mixed reality technology‭, ‬which contribute to a new perception‭ ‬of Meta-Universe‭. ‬The technology has gradually shifted our recognitions of these simulacrums from virtual games to a new reality‭ ‬as evolution‭. ‬The project title‭ ‬Metaverse‭ ‬is translated into‭ ‬‮!’‬meitayu‮!(‬‭ ‬by similar pronunciation in Mandarin‭, ‬meaning‭ ‬‮!’‬phantom of a collapsed territory‮!(‬‭. ‬By using the‭ ‬3D scanning technology during‭ ‬‮!’‬The End of the World‭+‬‮!(‬‭ ‬workshop‭, ‬the participants‭’ ‬doomsday stories and objects will be preserved as VR elements in the scenes of‭ ‬Metaverse‭. ‬Through the interactive activities‭, ‬the participants will join the discussion to imagine the end of the world‭. ‬By asking‭ ‬‮!’‬What might cause it‭?‬‮!(‬‭, ‬‮!’‬How to prevent it‭?‬‮!(‬‭, ‬‮!’‬Could someone survive somehow‭?‬‮!(‬‭, ‬and‭ ‬‮!’‬What could be preserved for rebuilding the world‭?‬‮!(‬‭, ‬the‭ ‬Metaverse‭ ‬project can be regarded as a virtual Ark delivering a portion of human cultural evidence from individual perspectives‭, ‬so that‭ ‬after the end of the world‭, ‬some posthuman survivors or aliens might be able to access the data and to retrieve‭, ‬reconstruct and‭ ‬reproduce the human culture someday somewhere‭. ‬The low quality 3D scanning objects in the scenes look like the remains from archaeological sites‭, ‬those then become a parody in the form of electronic existence‭, ‬indicating the realm of enchantment‭. ‬In sci-fi imagination of the ultimate doomsday‭, ‬the meta-universe is where the black hole collapses and phantoms appear‭. ‬