吳梓寧,《插秧的理由REASONS FOR TRANSPLANTING》,影像裝置,2013。

這件作品的文字引自阮玉平(Nguyen Ngoc Binh)於1985年所創作的越南民歌之英文翻譯,整首詩歌的創作靈感來源與稻米的耕種有關。本作品僅取其中一句特別吸引作者的歌詞,來與台東最近四處可見剛完成稻米收割的農田景象相結合。作者擷取的這句歌詞說:「有些人為了工錢而插秧,我則是為了別的理由。」透過這語帶保留的「別的理由」,對應的卻是除了工資之外的所有其他理由。作者以插秧作為象徵,為所有各行各業辛苦耕耘、默默付出的勞動者們,提出一個去思考自己「插秧的理由」的提問。而作為展覽入口的開場作品,與主視覺展牆上沿用先前創作系列中,不斷重複,卻省略後續文字發展的文句:”IF YOU WANT TO BE AN ARTIST,……”(如果你想成為一位藝術家,……),暗示了藝術家的勞動,如同不為賺取工資的插秧,來做更進一步的鋪陳與連結。

The text in this work is a quotation from a Vietnamese folk song lyrics (in English translation) created by Nguyen Ngoc Binh in 1985. The whole lyrics talk about labors of farming and the inspiration of land and rice. The artist choose one particular sentence of the lyrics which is most attractive to her, and she combines the artistic conception with the scene of harvested rice farmland which is seen everywhere in Taitung recently. The phrase retrieved is “Some folks transplant rice for wages, but I have other reasons.” Through these words with reservations as “other reasons”, it shows all the other corresponding reasons except wages. The author use transplanting as a symbol for all hard workers and different kinds of labors. Hereby the artist proposes audience to think about what are their own reasons and values for transplanting or hard working.

As an opening work by the exhibition entrance, this work responses to the previous subject all begins with “If you want to be an Artist,……” which is shown constantly repeated on the main visual wall. This new work is an intimation of this new paragraph of artist’s creations, and also a further elaborate or link to a suggestion about doing art is like transplanting rice for other reasons but not for wages.

Some folks transplant rice for wages, but I have other reasons.