吳梓寧,《亞洲的閱讀知識/姿勢 Knowledge reading gesture of Asia》,歪像投影互動裝置,2011。

作品《亞洲的閱讀知識/姿勢》以歪像投影進行畫外的場面調度,觀眾身體逼近牆面仰望,才得以還原作品隱藏的文句訊息: If You Want To Be An Artist, You Must Further Your English Ability. 作品的原意在批判西方語言霸權,從藝術家的角度出發,在全球化的藝術市場裡,藝術家的專業能力已不僅只創作能力,英文能力也成為一項重要的條件。此現象,可延伸詮釋到各個專業領域,在面對全球化的市場競爭底下,必須學習英語的共通經驗,相信在非英語系國家都能引起觀眾的共鳴與認同。而作品透過在挑高空間所裝置的大型歪像投影,遠觀則形成彷彿商品條碼般的抽象圖形,唯有觀眾透過貼近牆面並抬頭仰望的艱難姿勢,才得以進行作品文句內容的解碼。而仰望觀瞻作品時所形成的身體圖像,與投映影像結合為作品的整體,形成在語言霸權之下,非英語系國家的人民如同領受來自西方的神諭般,顯得渺小而難以抗拒這持續未減的文化後殖民現象。

This work 《Knowledge reading gesture of Asia》uses anamorphic projection to achieve mise-en-scène with body of the audience. Closely aligns the wall and look up to read the content: If You Want To Be An Artist, You Must Further Your English Ability. The purpose is to criticize linguistic hegemony. From the artist’s point of view, the globalization of the art market, the professional competence of the artist is not only creative ability; English ability has also become an important condition. This phenomenon may extend the interpretation to the various areas of expertise. I believe that the audiences in non-English-speaking countries have the same resonance and recognition. Ideally, the audience will stand and look up. Their gesture is like receiving oracles from God, and the audience under this work has become so small and hard to resist the unabated cultural colonization which is still continuing in our life.