吳梓寧,《網路靈魂銀行 Cyber Soul Bank – Install Your Soul》,網路藝術,2005。

繼《虛境公民》之後,2005年,七位虛境公民終於上線,為《網路靈魂銀行》擔任大使。網路靈魂銀行販賣的是類似「生前契約」的商品,有關台灣民間習俗中,人們會燒紙紮人、紙紮屋、紙紮車等,給過世的親友讓他們在另一個世界裡能夠繼續使用,這個民間風俗成為作者的靈感來源。在《網路靈魂銀行》網站上販賣的,就是讓在網上漂流的靈魂們能在網路使用的各種 3D物件。 這些透過電腦演算生成的3D物件都保留在純數位狀態,在數位與網路空間的概念上,網路上純數位狀態的「3D物件空間」是「真實」存在於「網路空間」裡的。而透過人工智能的科技,想像人的「心智」或者「靈魂」能夠被數位化地儲存在網路上與人互動時,生存與死亡的定義很可能要被改寫。在另一個世界繼續存活的靈魂們,可以繼續使用他們在現世所喜愛的物品、居住的空間、…任何他們想帶到另一個世界的物品,都可以向《網路靈魂銀行》提出訂製。甚至,想訂製一些現實世界並不存在的特殊商品也不無可能。 在網路靈魂銀行的網站上,觀眾可以透過MSN與七位虛境公民在線上取得聯繫,並加入儲存靈魂點數的行列。只要提供諸如個人網頁、網路相本、Email信箱、部落格(BLOG)、電子佈告欄系統(BBS)的帳號…等等資訊,七位虛境公民大使就會為觀眾儲存靈魂點數,並兌換網路靈魂銀行所提供的種種3D商品,供觀眾於網路重生後可以使用。 本作品初次發表於SLY新樂園藝術空間,作者限地製作了展場的3D模型,並加入現實空間不存在的各種3D家具,隨著動畫視角的流轉,每轉一圈就會看見浴室、客廳、廚房、書房等不同的虛擬空間擺設,並投影於展場極具識別對照特徵的窗戶玻璃上。
附註:2013年4月25日,台灣的Messenger已正式停止服務。附註:Adobe Flash Player 於2020 年12 月31 日終止支援。


After “Cyberbeings”, the seven Cyberbeings are finally on line as ambassadors of “The Cyber Soul Bank”. The Cyber Soul Bank sells products similar to “Living Contract” of funeral industry. In Taiwanese folk customs, people will burn Taiwanese funeral paper offerings like paper dolls, paper houses, paper cars and other paper offerings to their deceased relatives or friends so that the deceased can continue use those things in another world. This folk customs become the inspiration when the artist create this work “Install Your Soul─The Cyber Soul Bank” to sell variety of 3D objects which can be used by the souls drifting on the Internet. The CGI 3D objects are kept in a pure digital state, in the concepts of cyberspace, the pure digital 3D objects are “real spatial exists” in cyberspace. Through the artificial intelligence technology, we can imagine people’s “mind” or “soul” can be digitized as database and even installed on the Internet as an avatar to interact with people someday, by then the definition of life and death must to be rewritten. The Souls live in the after world can continue using their favorite items or living spaces, … whatever they want to bring to the other world, can be ordered and custom made by “Cyber Soul Bank”. Even someone wants to order special merchandise that does not exist in the real world is possible. On the website of “Cyber Soul Bank,” the audience can get in touch with seven Cyberbeings through MSN online, and save the “Soul Points” by providing information of their personal web pages, photo albums, Email addresses, blogs, bulletin board system accounts … etc, and then the seven Cyberbeings ambassadors will save soul points for the audience and let them exchange various 3D merchandises provided by the Cyber Soul Banks for the usage after rebirth on the network. This work is first published at the SLY Art Space, the artist makes a 3D model of the exhibition space, and she puts some 3D furnitures which are not exist in the exhibition space. With the flow of perspective turning in the animation, we will see bathroom, living room, kitchen, study room, with different furnishings in the virtual space, and this animation is projected on the window of the venue.
Note: Messenger service in Taiwan has officially stopped after April 25, 2013. Note: Adobe Flash Player has officially stopped service after Dec 31, 2020.



開幕:2005.03.05 18:00pm

地點: 新樂園藝術空間 (台北市中山北路二段十一巷15-2號)
