吳梓寧,3D 互動程式、人類基因組計畫網路資源,118MB,2016。
Tzu-Ning Wu, 3D Interactive APP, Human Genome Project Open Source, 118MB, 2016.
在《網路後世》的3D 動畫外,另建構《基因求籤販賣機》的互動程式,從「命運」與「信仰」角度探討後人類透過科技「轉世」或「重生」的可能,並涉及生命永續與輪迴的議題。觀眾在互動應用程式中打開籤詩,將看到隨機出現的基因圖譜,這些有如無字天書般的科學數據與圖譜來自「人類基因組計畫」網站公佈的開放資訊,而籤詩中除了來自人類的染色體與基因圖譜外,也隱藏著隨機出現來自猩猩、豬、老鼠……等其他物種的基因圖譜,隨機抽籤取得不同物種的基因籤詩,可以被解讀為前世的屬性、現世的人格特質、或是未來可能獲得的基因,暗示有關靈魂轉世的信仰和生物基因遺傳訊息間的曖昧界線,甚至可視為未來跨物種基因轉殖的預言。獲得什麼樣的基因在過去就像是一種命運,天生命定的身體與遺傳訊息,如今透過基因工程使得「命運」真正成為一種可以花錢「改運」的商品,階層化的生物分類也逐漸在跨物種的基因轉殖中被取消界線。而「後人類的記憶」成為商品化的資本,在可以任意拼貼操控的編碼數據中「道成肉身」與「肉身成道」是雙向循環關係,而物種階層之間的新倫理議題成為我們必須追問的新問題。
Additional to the 3D animation of Cyber Samsara , the making of the APP Cyber Samsara Divination Machine is intended to stir a dialogue on the possibility of “reincarnation” or “rebirth” from the aspect of fate and faith, as well as the issues in relation to immortality and cycle of life. When viewers interact with the APP, they can receive a chromosome as a fortune-telling note in return. The chromosome data is from the website of Human Genome Project. The chromosome could be from human, gorilla, pig, mouse or any other species. It could be read as the indication of the viewer’s characteristics from the past or the present life, or even a gene to be acquired in the future. It suggests that the line between soul-reincarnation and biogenetic messages has been blurred. This outcome could also be seen
as a prophecy of cross-species genetic transmission. In the past, the “fate” controlled the gene that one person could have, but now, the genetic engineering
technology makes “fate” a “commodity” that the person could “alter” with money. The stratification of living species is crumbling down around genetic transmissions.
The “post-human memory” becomes the capital of the commercialisation. In the coding process, “Incarnation” and “to achieve immortality by migrating to non-being” form a reversible circulation, and we have to question the new ethics for the stratification of living species.