Tzuning WU, The Post-Venus Flytrap Project, 3D animation projection, internet readymade, 3D printed objects, GOBO lights projection, vinyl cuttings texts, 2018.
「這植物被稱為維納斯的捕蠅陷阱,它快速而有力的動作,是世界上最美妙的事物之一。」— 查爾斯.達爾文
「捕蠅草」因為葉片邊緣的刺毛有如維納斯的睫毛,因此又稱為「維納斯的捕蠅陷阱」(Venus’ Flytrap),食蟲植物的主動誘捕習性,不同於一般植物被視為被動受害的物種,而師法「捕蠅草」進行人類改造,有企圖翻轉生物階層論將植物歸類為較低等生物的迷思。從「捕蠅草」等食蟲植物的特化捕食器官進行研究,在後人類的營養獲取方式與覓食方法上,呈現生物基因混種改造與人工器官移植的模擬,藉由女性外陰與捕蠅草開合的符號隱喻,在食慾和性慾之間潛藏的生命動力關係之間,發展為「後維納斯身體」所生成的慾望陷阱。
“This plant, commonly called Venus’ fly-trap, from the rapidity and force of its movements, is one of the most wonderful in the world.” — Charles Darwin
Dionaea muscipula, commonly called “Venus’ Flytrap”, because the prickly hairs on the edges of the leaves are like eyelashes of Venus. The active trapping habits of insectivorous plants are different from those of ordinary plants that are considered passive victims of the species hierarchy. In the Post-Venus Flytrap Project, the artist combines dionaea muscipula and female vulva as models for posthuman transformation, and there is an attempt to flip the myth of biological stratum to classify plants as lower creatures. Based on the study of the special predator organs of insectivorous plants and the female external genitalia, the common natural of seduction, cooperation and deception can be found in both sex and death, appetite and libido. The artist takes “online-readymade” for her simulation of genetic modification from the NCBI such as the science models and crystal structures of the venus flytrap digestive juice and the human arginase related to sexual arousal. The simulation of biological gene blending and artificial organ transplantation is suggesting a future possibility of posthuman nutritional acquisition and foraging, and the dynamics relationship latent between appetite and libido was presented by the symbolic metaphor of female vulva and the rapid movement of venus’ flytrap. Eventually, there is a trap of “Post-Venus body” generated by desire.
2018 「L.A.B.:2018成大雙²年展-科技與藝術」成大藝術中心,成大藝坊,台南。
2019 「以《我》存有-台灣當代女性藝術家聯展」華府美利堅大學美術館,華盛頓,美國。