吳梓寧,《亞洲的閱讀知識/姿勢-2013高雄獎版本 Knowledge Reading Gesture of Asia-Version of 2013 Kaohsiung 》,互動藝術,2013。

《亞洲的閱讀知識/姿勢-2013高雄獎展出版本Knowledge Reading Gesture of Asia-Version of 2013 Kaohsiung》是根據2013高雄獎的美術競賽期間,作者與館方之間所發生的真實事件而發展出的「現地製作」版本。 2013高雄獎入圍作品,因館方以簡章「館方擁有最後空間決定權」的理由,強制給予不符合原參賽作品提出的空間基本需求,在非挑高空間展出將徹底改變作品原意。因館方對正式展覽的空間規劃不當,作者表明不排除拒絕參展以示抗議,但館方提出比賽簡章對於拒絕展出者,訂有取消資格與五年內不得再報名高雄獎的罰則。最後,作者請求館方提送2013高雄獎評審委員會進行公評,最後終於獲得全數評審同意作者進行展出作品的微調。 作品原句If You Want To Be An Artist, You Must Further Your English Ability.「如果你想為藝術家,你必須增進你的英文能力。」旨在批判語言霸權。但於此修訂版本中,作者將句子改為If You Want To Be An Artist, You Must Kneel Down Before The Museum.「如果你想成為藝術家,你必須在美術館跟前跪下。」 作品展覽不僅只在主要牆面上投射作品,同時在左邊牆面呈現「作品變更說明」影片,企圖呈現作者與館方溝通過程的事實真相。對話過程確有其事,並非由作者所擬造。特此聲明。更進一步,在右邊展牆上的句子Because You Are Not The Only One Artist.「因為你不是唯一的一個藝術家。」是截取自雙方對話過程的一個宣告。 在此英文句構中,強調 “The Only One” Artist的用法,在一般文法下較為少見,是作者企圖強調句子的荒謬而刻意使用。語意非僅停留在不是「唯一的」藝術家,這個在數量上的事實;而旨在突顯不是「獨一無二的」藝術家,其諷刺性意涵。意圖隱喻在這個藝術作品已不再獨一無二的文化工業年代後,是否已經連藝術家都不再被視為獨一無二的存在,只是個隨時可以犧牲的文化工業螺絲。而「因為你不是唯一的藝術家」也就成為這件作品轉折過程背後的真正嘲諷。

This is a site-specific version of Knowledge Reading Gesture of Asia for 2013 Kaohsiung Award. The revision of this work based on actual events, which happened during the 2013 Kaohsiung Award Art Competition. The Museum declares that “the Museum has the ultimate right to decide the final space of exhibition displays” according to the general regulations of this competition. This work of 2013 Kaohsiung Awards Finalists, which is being forced to display in a space doesn’t meet the basic space needs of the work on the basis of original entries. To show this work in a space lacks of height will completely change the meaning of the work. Due to the unreasonable space planning of the formal exhibition by the Museum, the Artist considered refusing the formal exhibition as a protest. But the Museum emphasizes that there are penalties for participants who refuse to exhibit their work. The refusing participant will be disqualified and not allowed to participate the Kaohsiung Awards again in five years. In the end, the Artist ask the Museum to submit the work changing requests to the 2013 Kaohsiung Awards Committee for an open discussion, and finally get a full consent of these work changes. The original sentence of the work is “If You Want To Be An Artist, You Must Further Your English Ability.” The purpose is to criticize linguistic hegemony. But in this revision, the sentence has been changed to “If You Want To Be An Artist, You Must Kneel Down Before The Museum.” The exhibition of this work is not only showing the single projection on the main wall, but also showing a description video of work changes on the wall of left hand side. The video aims to show the truth of the communication process between artist and the Museum staff. The dialogue during the communication process, which is true and not imitated or simulated by the artist, is hereby acknowledged. Further more, on the wall of right hand side, the sentence “Because You Are Not The Only One Artist.“ as an announcement, which is an interception from the dialogue between artist and the museum staff. Here, the sentence which highlights ‘the only one’ artist, is rarely seen grammatically speaking, meaning to call attention to the laughable saying. By doing so, the sentence intends to show up ironically how the artist is not ‘unique’ rather than just being ‘one’, number-wise. Furthermore, this sentence may metaphorically calls attention to the state of the artist becoming not special and replaceable in the era of The Cultural Industry (Theodor Adorno), when there are reproductions of artworks. And now the Artist is not ‘the only one’, which is a real taunt as the turning point of this work.